Friday, July 24, 2015


Many interact with people on a daily basis. These people could be friends, family, co-workers, customers, clients, friends of friends, or strangers. When I know someone well its based on my experience with that person. Being an allower, I never try to change a person to fit my idea of who they should be because that is not what I do. I have no agenda in that regard or any for that matter. I help when asked and in doing so try to help the person see from their own perspective with different thought processes. Circles are cycles. If you are getting the same result and are unhappy with it, maybe its time to try something different. My experience with change has been an internal journey. I do not always make the correct decision even if the end result gives me the result I want.

My last experience with this concept was self sabotage and a lot of loss was incurred. The important lesson that I learned from that is that when its time for change, change it. Don't try to hang on to what doesn't serve you or others out of fear. You'll save yourself a lot of time and heart ache. This could be a job, a relationship, a hobby or habit. I have learned to replace old habits that do not support growth and change with new habits that fulfill me. I landed the perfect job that serves several areas of my growth and health. Its both physically and mentally demanding, but not stressful. There is immediate opportunity for growth, promotion and travel as a member of this work force. I have my dream schedule and the securities I lost earlier this year. There are areas of my life where I am working to change a very unhealthy co-dependency. This summer will be an interesting one that will change my current state from dependent to independent. I always thought that I lived fearlessly, but the one thing I feared the most was my own independence. This is what happened when I chose to give more of myself to someone who does not choose me. It is a hurtful reality that I am not willing to allow.

My choices have landed me here and I'm alright with that. I have learned that if nothing changes, nothing changes. Every cell in my body changes every second of everyday and my spirituality has gained me alignment, peace and a harmonious existence within myself. I am confident in what I want for my life, I am sensitive to energies and feel everything deeply. I am a prayer warrior, I meditate, I love deeply and I love learning new things. I can not be tamed, I am someone who has the freedom to go and do when called. I learned that I don't have lasting relationships with anyone who does not choose to grow and learn and be present. Who wants to repeat the third grade over and over seeing their friends and family grow and learn and become who they are meant to be. Not this woman. I love to see others grow. Its a hopeful visual and it warms my heart. I genuinely love to see it and welcome it as part of my experience. It pains me to see the opposite. When those once close to me die a little inside everyday, because they resist new experiences  for whatever  reason they've bought and sold the idea to themselves. I love them anyway and wish for the best for them on their personal journey.

If you gain nothing else from this post, let it be that if you are going to try something, go all in and try it. Doing things half way or not with your whole heart or intention is really not going to give you the result you are seeking. Take ownership of your life and your decisions and understand, whether or not you realize it, that you are the creator of your circumstance; good or bad. Blame serves no purpose when you are living your own life.