Thursday, December 4, 2014


The truth about truth is: Many only want it when it's convenient. Is it then still truth? When is it okay to lie or hide the truth? Really, think about it. I was raised on lies: Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth fairy. It was started it, now how do I carry this through life? Well, as an adult you're expected to be truthful. Reality...most people can't handle the truth. What most people I've met have rather than truth is belief. When we hear something over and over again we're programmed to believe it. As a child I didn't question it or have any reason to mistrust what I was told. I also grew up with, "because I said so." So what does that look like in adulthood. Secrets, lies, dishonesty. This is observable behavior, so when your children lie mirror yourself.  Where did it start? Maybe with those who have lied to them throughout their childhood. Maybe learned behavior from those they trusted. Maybe you.

The truth can be beautiful and reassuring. The truth can also be ugly and hurtful. We use something call tact to spare people's feelings or to be kind. Some just don't lend the truth to not make waves and others may lie. There are also those we say don't bite their tongue. I have more respect for those people than those who sugar coat and put sprinkles on lies and call it truth. I wonder what life is like for the child who was never lied to by anyone. The child who grew into a well informed adolescent,  young adult and adult. I imagine it's frustrating sifting through all the stuff that people say and do. Rarely ever coming into contact with another with the same upbringing as you. Wisdom then becomes a secret. Don't tell little Joe that there's no Santa, he still believes. So there you are finally with the truth and have been sworn to secrecy by the lies who created you or that love you.

Has nobody questioned this? Has anyone thought of the monster you're creating with lies. I didn't and so the endless cycle continues from generation to generation. How about stories? I think they could work. Stories give us wonder, surprise and lots of questions. Stories and the choice to believe or not to me is still better than a lie. Stories are what set many of us on our life path to find out more about who we are, and what our purpose is. Stories, choices and life experiences. What is true for one person may not be true for another. This is where respect comes in. You don't have to agree with or like what someone else does or says, but a healthy understanding of human nature may help to put things into perspective.

We could learn from the past if we have a truthful account of what actually occured, how it was resolved for that time, but we need to be present in our own existence. Present right now. I'm still a little uneasy about Pluto. My generation grew up believing it was a planet and later told it wasn't. Science is not exact, but then neither is truth. My belief fills me with knowledge that there are things happening to us and around us that many are unaware of. Am I wrong to use my intuition? I no longer feel the need to be right, so difference of thought based on one's own perception comes into question because of programming. Is there no end to the insanity?
Do we as human, hybrid or multidimensional beings (yes I went there), have the right to know the truth? I say yes knowing exactly what that means. For example: How does not knowing where my food comes from protect my health? Or yours. Maybe heath is not on your top 10 list of values, mentally, physically, spiritually or otherwise.  Do you have children? Have you ever taken them to an apple orchid to pick apples or a pumpkin patch to pick the perfect pumpkin?  How about a botanical garden? They can eat the apples, make cider or pie,eat pumpkin seeds or make pumpkin pie. Maybe they smelled the sweet floral fragrance of the garden or the smell of earth's soil. Now think about that life experience a moment. Let the beauty of it sink in. ☺ ahhh. Now have you ever taken you children or sent them on a field trip or with family to a petting zoo to make nice with the animal kingdom? Maybe they saw the monkeys vomit and eat it, or the elephants take a huge dump and they gave their expression of ewe or yuk or just laughed their little hearts out? Now have you ever taken your children to a slaughter house? And food processing plant? No? Isn't this as true as the apples that grow on trees, just in a primal form. Those chickens they fed and chick's they pet and the goats and cows with their large eyes that met the eyes of your children is what's for dinner. Choices can be made when they are given. This was taken from me, and I in turn took it from my son. Was this honest? I took away his free will and fed him what I was programmed to believe was good for him. It's what I knew so, I have no guilt about it. When you become informed you may choose to unsee what you saw or you may make another choice to save a life or the lives of other sentient beings. Either way it's your choice.

I don't see this as right or wrong, I see it as life experience and part of why we are here. I have no opinions about what anyone consumes. I learned what works for me and my body and I choose accordingly. Choices should not dictate how we relate with one another. Guess what? it does everyday unfortunately and prevents many people from connecting. I don't see in color, I see in character. I choose to be and do what I do and respect others choices. What I do now is a culmination of collective information and just life experience. There are laws in place that govern the country. I live by the laws of the universe. I don't make waves and I don't blame others for my choices. This is my perception of truth in part but not in its entirety. That would be the book. What are your feelings on truth?